My RSS Habits - As If You Cared
I've thinned my aggregator lately - and learned a few things a long the way.Yes, I read, star, and share many items - but never email. I guess it's just that email is so 1997. In case you were wondering, stars indicate that I just might write about it, while shared posts are listed on my blog (right side, 3/4 of the way down). Similarly, every non-commercial educational technology blog that I read is also displayed - drop me a line if you'd also like to be a part of my personal learning network. In the near future I plan to thin my blogroll further - incorporating multiple levels of recommendation.
I read more on Thursdays, and very rarely on weekends - in fact, I usually try to begin my week unplugged (I know, backwards man that I am). I have found that when it comes to creative thinking, absence makes the heart grow fonder. In other words, if I can give myself a break from technology for a brief period of time, my mind returns to the scene invigorated.I do like to star...
... And share when I can...
... But believe that the only good blog is one that is updated frequently. Yes, Marc, update soon because your blog's on the chopping block.
Technorati Tags: blogosphere rss education technology