The 2007 Edublog Awards

I guess it's time to vote. Again. The 2007 Edublog Awards finalists are listed below (as posted here). If you choose not to vote, you'd at least do well to browse through this year's list of finalists - quite an extensive list of quality blogs, if I do say so myself. And I do say so myself.

A few quick editorial comments before we begin (I'm new to this scene, so feel free to fill me in on the details):

  • Who nominated the blogs, anyway? Were most of the blogs nominated by their creators? If so, what good is that?
  • Why do some of the blogs have accompanying descriptions while some sit all alone and unannounced? The descriptions serve in promoting bias, if you ask me. But then again, nobody ever asked me. :)
  • Given that anybody could vote for a blog multiple times, what kind of effect would the Twitter army have on such a poll? I chose to vote three different times it was so much fun (juuuuust kiddddddinggggg).
  • On a positive note, it's refreshing to see that so many quality educators out there are actually paying attention.
On to the nominations (I've removed the bias-enhancing descriptions):

Best individual blog

Best group blog

Best new blog

Best resource sharing blog

Most influential blog post

Best teacher blog

Best librarian / library blog

Best educational tech support blog

Best elearning / corporate education blog

Best educational use of audio

Best educational use of video / visual

Best educational wiki

Best educational use of a social networking service

Best educational use of a virtual world

Great stuff. Don't forget to vote.

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