Edublogger Etiquette - Image Attribution

First, I think we can all agree that sources should be cited. John Connell demonstrated one extreme of the image attribution can of worms. Here are two other examples that illustrate the other extreme.

David Warlick cites all of the sources he uses for his blog posts (images and other content) using formal MLA protocol. While I don't know this for sure, I'm pretty sure he uses the Son of Citation Machine to formulate his citations - after all, he created it!

Sue Waters has also gone the extra mile when citing her sources. When she includes Creative Commons licensed photos in her posts, she not only lists the name of the author but also includes the date the photo was uploaded and the license the photo possesses. Sue uses John Johnston's newly created Simple CC Flickr Search to create her citations.

Now for the questions:

  • Is it necessary to use extensive citations in our blog posts?
  • How do I cite screenshots of photos?
  • What about Kwout? Are the citations that it creates for screenshots adequate?
Image Sources Within The Screenshots:
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