The Flaw In NECC Presentation Proposal Submission
In preparing submissions for the 2008 National Educational Computing Conference, I'm keenly aware of one great flaw inherent in the submission process:
- NECC 2008 submissions are due nine months before the conference!
Nine months ago, for example:
- There was no retail version of Windows Vista, no Feisty Fawn, and we all thought that Leopard would be out sooner than later.
- There was no iPhone, no iQuiz, and no iPod Fatty.
- There was no Google Presentations, no TeacherTube, and no Skitch (still in Beta, but definitely a must-have).
- The EduBloggerCon concept was still in its initial stages.
- There was no such thing as a chatcast backchannel.
- Very few people used Twitter.
- Virginia Tech was just another school.
- Very few teachers knew that Shift Happens and none were yet able to Pay Attention. : )
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