Avez-vous Porté Attention?

I am very pleased to announce that Renaud Boisjoly has successfully created the first translation of Pay Attention into a language other than English (or at least the first of which I've been made aware). The French translation (high quality, H.264) can now be downloaded here - as well as embeddable versions on YouTube and TeacherTube.

As you may or may not know, the files that were used to create the original presentation can also be downloaded - a helpful nugget of information that Renaud learned after creating his translation. To be perfectly honest, I hope that this translation becomes the first of many, and have consequently provided the original files for use. In that light, you may also be interested in the work of Claude Almansi. Claude has been kind enough to provide (back in July) accurately timed sub-titles to Pay Attention using an online service called Mojiti. You may view the result here - and ultimately, change the subtitles to a foreign language.

Original instructions from Claude:
So I used the video on TeacherTube in a Mojiti page, to create a "Spot Set" with a timed English transcription. The Mojiti video result is 100% redundant, but others can create their own spot set from there, then import the English one (links and instructions on the page), then translate the already timed subtitles in the "Organize Spots" part.

An alternative way of doing it is to save the spot set as .srt (link under the video), open and translate it with any text editor, then re-save it (1) and import it in a new spot set, made as above. This might be a better solution for people with a slow internet connection, or if a language teacher wants students to share the translation and do it on school computers that don't allow the use of Mojiti - or if the translator is using assistive technology with which Mojiti is not compatible (heaps of javascripts in Mojiti that don't go with JAWS, for instance).
Very well done, Renaud and Claude. Thank you for your wonderful efforts and may we all inspire others toward better teaching, regardless of their native tongue.

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